Ce înseamnă "X AE A-12", numele noului copil al lui Elon Musk

Miliardarul Elon Musk a anunţat luni seară că partenera lui de viaţă, cântăreaţa canadiană Grimes, a născut primul copil al cuplului. 

"Mama şi bebeluşul sunt bine", a scris fondatorul şi directorul general al companiilor Tesla şi SpaceX pe Twitter. Musk a spus că bebeluşul este un băieţel, iar numele acestuia va fi "X AE A-12 Musk". 

După anunțul lui Musk, pe Twitter au început să circule diferite păreri despre ce înseamnă fiecare porțiune a numelui, scrie Business Insider.

Un utilizator de Twitter a tradus "X AE A-12 Musk" în "X Ash Archangel". Altul a spus că X este un numeral roman care înseamnă 10, J este a 10-a literă din alfabet, iar dacă numeri 12 litere înapoi începând cu A vei ajunge la literal O. Alt utilizator a spus că, dacă numele bebelușului este X, tatăl său a cumpărat deja domeniul de internet pentru el. 

În 2017, Elon Musk a cumpărat domeniul de internet X.com. 

Marți seară, cântăreața Grimes a postat pe Twitter explicația reală a numelui copilului său: 

X- variabila necunoscută 

AE - termenul AI (dragoste și/sau inteligență artificială) scris în limba elvish .

A-12 - precursorul avionului Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird (care încă deține recordul de viteză stabilit în 1976) 

Elon Musk are alţi cinci fii, născuţi prin fertilizare in vitro, din prima lui căsătorie, cu Justine Wilson (2000-2008).


X Æ A-12: Elon Musk and Grimes confirm baby name


6 May 2020

Elon Musk and singer Grimes have confirmed they have named their baby X Æ A-12.

The Space X CEO announced the birth of their son on Monday. "Mom & baby all good," he said on Twitter.

He posted that the child would be called X Æ A-12 Musk and his girlfriend later offered an explanation to her followers on social media.

The name X Æ A-12 has been trending on Twitter with many asking how the name will be pronounced.

What does the name mean?

When Musk, known to joke on Twitter, announced the name, many people questioned whether he was being serious.

However, Canadian singer Grimes, real name Claire Boucher, explained the name's meaning to her fans.

Æ, a ligature of a and e known as ash, appeared in Latin and Old English but has mostly fallen out of use. However, in some languages such as Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic, Æ is classed as a letter.

The singer has used Æ before, naming a song on her latest album 4ÆM.

The A-12 is a Lockheed plane built for the CIA. It was known by designers during its development as Archangel.

She also claims Archangel is her favourite song but does not explain who the song is by.

It remains unclear how the name is pronounced. However, when someone on Twitter asked Musk whether it could be X Ash Archangel, Musk liked the comment, giving the biggest clue as to how it might sound.

Is it legal?

It's thought that Grimes may have given birth in California where certain names cannot be registered.

The rules there stipulate that no pictographs, ideograms and diacritical marks for example è, ñ, ē, ç can be used when registering the birth. Names have to consist of the 26 letters of the alphabet.

California isn't the only place in the world with regulations on baby names.

In New Zealand, the name 4Real fell foul of authorities because names cannot start with a number.

A couple went to the high court in Sweden after tax officials deemed their child's name Metallica "inappropriate".

Under Swedish law, both first names and surnames need to win the approval of authorities before they can be used.

However, in 2014, three babies in Scotland were named M, R and T. Other names people have chosen, according to the National Records of Scotland, include Daiquiri and Spartacus.

Unusual names aren't new. Census records during the 18th and 19th Centuries revealed people named King's Judgement, Noble Fall and Cholera Plague.

"Mom & baby all good" Elon Musk tweeted after he and girlfriend Grimes had their first child
Elon Musk and his girlfriend Grimes announced the birth of their son on Monday

What Does X Mean to Elon Musk?


What Does X Mean to Elon Musk?

The letter X has had significance in the billionaire’s life, from his early days as an entrepreneur to his personal life and now to his pursuit of Twitter.

Kalley Huang reported this story in San Francisco.

Elon Musk proposed on Monday to acquire Twitter at $54.20 a share, a surprise return to his original $44 billion deal with the company after months of trying to terminate it. In April, as the acquisition came together, Mr. Musk said he wanted to own Twitter so people could speak more freely on the platform.

On Tuesday, though, Mr. Musk shared another motivation for buying the social media company, tweeting: “Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app.”

Mr. Musk, the richest man in the world and the chief executive of the auto company Tesla, has been thin on details about what an “everything app” would look like. But he has expressed interest in making a worldwide social media platform modeled after WeChat, which is owned by the Chinese technology giant Tencent.

In China, WeChat is used by more than a billion people as an all-in-one social media, instant messaging and mobile payment app. Used to order food, hail cabs and find news, it is sewn into the fabric of daily life. Mr. Musk has said that if enough people worldwide used a similar app to communicate, it could establish a payment system as well.

“I think such an app would be really useful. And just the utility of sort of a spam-free thing where you could make comments, you could post videos — I think it’s important for content creators to have a revenue share,” Mr. Musk said on a podcast in May.

In August, when a Twitter user asked Mr. Musk whether he had considered creating his own social platform, he replied, “X.com.” Earlier that month, at Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting, Mr. Musk said he had “a pretty grand vision” for X as “something that would be very useful to the world.”

Mr. Musk has not publicly offered a plan or timeline for X. But he has said that, despite not being necessary to create X, “Twitter probably accelerates X by three to five years.” Should Mr. Musk acquire Twitter, it is unclear if he would make X from scratch using parts of Twitter, or turn Twitter into X.

During a question-and-answer session with Twitter employees in June, Mr. Musk said that he viewed the company as a digital town square “essential for a functioning democracy” but that it ought to include as much of the world as possible. To encourage people to use and stay on the platform, it should be more all-encompassing, like WeChat, he said.

In 2020, a Twitter user proposed that Mr. Musk create X “to ensure human survival and progress.” This version of X, the user suggested, would be the parent company of Tesla; SpaceX; Mr. Musk’s brain computer company, Neuralink; and his tunnel construction company, the Boring Company. Mr. Musk called the proposal a “good idea.” Whether X is meant to be a conglomeration of Mr. Musk’s companies, a global WeChat or something else is unknown.

X is also the name of the three holding companies Mr. Musk registered in Delaware to acquire Twitter. If the acquisition takes place, X Holdings I will function as Twitter’s parent company, X Holdings II will buy Twitter and X Holdings III will fund the deal, according to regulatory filings.

Mr. Musk has said he has “a fondness for the letter X.” X is how he publicly refers to his first child with Claire Boucher, the musician known as Grimes, but his history with the letter dates back to at least 1999, when he helped found X.com, an online bank.

In 2000, X.com merged with Confinity, a competing software company. In 2001, Peter Thiel, one of Confinity’s founders, replaced Mr. Musk as X.com’s chief executive, and the company was renamed PayPal.

In 2017, Mr. Musk bought the domain for X.com from PayPal. The website currently directs to a blank white page, save a black lowercase “x” in the upper left corner. A separate page, X.com/x, directs to a page with a lowercase “y,” which is the nickname of Mr. Musk’s second child with Grimes.

When Mr. Musk bought the domain, he tweeted: “Thanks PayPal for allowing me to buy back X.com! No plans right now, but it has great sentimental value to me.”

The plans, it now seems, have to do with “everything.”

BOLILE TRANDAFIRILOR si metode chimice de tratament - Podelean Marcel



1 – Fainarea trandafirului- tratamente:
_ Thiovit Jet 80WG (3-4 g/ 10l apa)
– Fungicid Tilt 250 EC (4 ml/20 L apa/200 mp , 10 ml/50 L apa/500 mp , 20 ml/100 L apa/1000 mp , 200 ml/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Fungicid Champ 77 WG (30 gr/10 l apa/100 mp)
– Fungicid Zeama Bordeleza WDG (5 gr/1 L apa/10 mp )
– Fungicid Systhane Plus 24E (0,001 l/10 L apa/100 mp , 0,010 l/100 L apa/1000 mp , 0,050l/500 L apa/5000 mp , 0,1 l/1000 L apa/10000mp)
– Fungicid Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG (25 gr/10 L apa/100 mp , 250 gr/100Lapa/1000 mp , 1250 gr/500Lapa/5000 mp , 2500 gr/1000L apa/10000 mp)
– Fungicid Mirage 45EC (0,010 l/3 L apa/100 mp , 100 ml/30 L apa/1000 mp , 0,5 l/150 L apa/5000 mp , 1 l/300 L apa/10000 mp)
– Fungicid Kumulus DF (30 gr/10 L apa/100 mp , 300 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 1500 gr/1000 L apa/5000 mp , 3000 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
2 – Patarea neagra a frunzelor- tratamente:
– Fungicid Systhane Plus 24E (0,001 l/10 L apa/100 mp , 0,010 l/100 L apa/1000 mp , 0,050 l/500 L apa/5000 mp , 0,1 l/1000 L apa/10000mp)
– Fungicid Mirage 45 EC (0,010 l/3 L apa/ 100 mp , 100 ml/30 L apa/1000 mp , 0,5 l/150 L apa/5000 mp , 1 l/300 L apa/10000 mp)
– Fungicid Topas 100 EC (0,5 l/150 L apa/10000 mp , 0,250 l/75 L apa/5000 mp , 0,050 l/15 L apa/1000 mp)
– Fungicid Dithane M 45 (20 gr/10 L apa/100 mp , 100 gr/50 L apa/500 mp , 200 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 2000 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Fungicid Topsin 500 SC (1l/1000 L apa/10000 mp , 100 ml/100 L apa/1000 mp , 50 ml/50 L apa/500 mp)
– Fungicid Score 250EC (2 ml/3 L apa/10 mp , 200 ml/300 L apa/1000 mp , 1000 ml/1500 L apa/5000 mp , 2000 ml/3000 L apa/10000 mp)
3 – Rugina trandafirului- tratamente:
– Fungicid Systhane Plus 24E (0,001 l/10 L apa/100 mp , 0,010 l/100 L apa/1000 mp , 0,050 l/500 L apa/5000 mp , 0,1 l/1000 L apa/10000mp)
– Fungicid Mirage 45 EC (0,010 l/3 L apa/100 mp , 100 ml/30 L apa/1000 mp , 0,5 l/150 L apa/5000 mp , 1 l/300 L apa/10000 mp)
– Fungicid Topas 100 EC (0,5 l/150 L apa/10000 mp , 0,250 l/75 L apa/5000 mp , 0,050 l/15 L apa/1000 mp)
– Fungicid Mystic 250 EC (1 l/300 L apa/10000 mp , 0,5 l/150 L apa/5000 mp , 0,100 l/30 L apa/1000 mp)
– Fungicid Dithane M45 (20 gr/10 L apa/100 mp , 100 gr/50 L apa/500 mp , 200 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 2000 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
4 – Mana trandafirului- tratamente:
– Fungicid Ortiva 250 SC (0,75 l/225 L apa/10000 mp , 0,375 l/110 L apa)
– Fungicid Ridomil Gold MZ 68WG (25 gr/10 L apa/100 mp , 250 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 1250 gr/500 L apa/5000 mp , 2500 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Fungicid Equation Pro (400 gr/300 L apa/10000 mp , 200 gr/150 L apa/5000 mp , 40 gr/30 L apa/1000 mp)
– Fungicid Curzate Manox (25 gr/10 L apa/100 mp , 250 gr/100 l apa/1000 mp , 1250 gr/500 L apa/5000 mp , 2500 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
5 – Putregaiul cenusiu- tratamente:
– Fungicid Teldor 500 SC (8 ml/10 L apa/100 mp , 80 ml/100 l apa/1000 mp , 400 ml/500 l apa/5000 mp , 400 ml/500 L apa/5000 mp , 800 ml/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Fungicid Topsin AL 70 PU (1 kg/1000 L apa/10000 mp , 0,5 kg/500 L apa/5000 mp , 100 gr/100 l apa/1000mp)
– Fungicid Merpan 50WP (0,2 – 0,25%)
6 – Cercosporioza momentan nu e avizat nici un produs in Romania
7 – Cancerul trandafirului momentan nu e avizat nici un produs in Romania
Daunatori trandafiri si metode chimice de combatere
1 – Paduchele verde al trandafirului- combatere:
– Insecticid Decis 50 EW (3 ml/15 L apa/250 mp , 6 ml/30 L apa/500 mp , 12 ml/600 L apa/1000 mp , 120 ml/600 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Mospilan 20 SG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Actara 25 WG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 150 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Fastac 10 EC (2 ml/10 L apa/100 mp , 10 ml/50 L apa/500 mp , 20 ml/100 l apa/1000 mp , 200 ml/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
2 – Viespea neagra a trandafirului- combatere:
– Insecticid Calypso 480 SC (10 ml/50 L apa/330 mp , 30 ml/150 L apa/1000 mp , 150 ml/750 l apa/5000 mp , 300 ml/1500 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Actara 25 WG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 l apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 L apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 l apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Nissorun 10 WP (5 gr/16 l apa/100 mp , 250 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 500 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
3 – Acarieni- combatere:
– Insecticid Envidor 240 SC (4 ml/10 l apa/100 mp , 200 ml/500 l apa/5000 mp , 400 ml/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Nissorun 10WP (5 gr/16 l apa/100 mp , 250 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 500 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
4 – Albina trandafirului momentan nu e avizat nici un produs in Romania
5 – Plosnitele trandafirului- combatere:
– Insecticid Mospilan 20 SG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Actara 25 WG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 l apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 L apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 l apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Nuprid AL 200 SC (4 ml/10 l apa/100 mp , 40 ml/100 l apa/1000 mp , 400 ml/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
6 – Viespea ferastrau- combatere:
– Insecticid Mospilan 20 SG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Actara 25 WG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 l apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 L apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 l apa/10000 mp)
7 – Gargarita coletului momentan nu e avizat nici un produs in Romania
8 – Gargarita bobocilor/gargarita neagra momentan nu e avizat nici un produs in Romania
9 – Moliile miniere- combatere:
– Insecticid Mospilan 20 SG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Actara 25 WG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 l apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 L apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 l apa/10000 mp)
10 – Viespea sucitoare a frunzelor de trandafir- combatere:
– Insecticid Mospilan 20 SG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp), inainte de depunerea oualelor
11 – Galele/gogosile provocate de viespea de rug momentan nu e avizat nici un produs in Romania
12 – Viespea sfredelitoare a trandafirului- combatere:
– Insecticid Mospilan 20SG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
13 – Molia rozaceelor- combatere:
– Insecticid Calypso 480 SC (10 ml/50 L apa/330 mp , 30 ml/150 L apa/1000 mp , 150 ml/750 l apa/5000 mp , 300 ml/1500 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Fastac 10 EC (2 ml/10 L apa/100 mp , 10 ml/50 L apa/500 mp , 20 ml/100 L apa/1000 mp , 200 ml/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Karate Zeon 50 CS (2 ml/13 L apa/100 mp , 20 ml/130 L apa/1000 mp , 100 ml/650 l apa/5000 mp , 200 ml/1300 L apa/10000 mp)
14 – Cicadele trandafirilor- combatere:
– Insecticid Faster 10 CE (2 ml/10 L apa/100 mp , 20 ml/100L apa/1000 mp , 200 ml/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Nuprid AL 200 SC (4 ml/10 l apa/100 mp , 40 ml/100 l apa/1000 mp , 400 ml/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
15 – Paduchele testos- combatere:
– Insecticid Mospilan 20 SG (1,5 gr/10 l apa/100 mp , 15 gr/100 L apa/1000 mp , 75 gr/500 l apa/5000 mp , 150 gr/1000 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Decis 50 EW (3 ml/15 L apa/250 mp , 6 ml/30 L apa/500 mp , 12 ml/600 L apa/1000 mp , 120 ml/600 L apa/10000 mp)
– Insecticid Karate Zeon 50 CS (2 ml/13 L apa/100 mp , 20 ml/130 L apa/1000 mp , 100 ml/ 650 l apa/5000 mp , 200 ml/1300 L apa/10000 mp)
Combatere buruieni
Erbicid Roundup, Erbicid Glyphogan 480SL, Erbicid Fusilade Forte EC , Erbicid Pantera 40EC. Erbicidarea trebuie facuta cu mare atentie, sa nu se stropeasca frunza si floarea.