Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol

(updated 9-28-2020)



While there is very limited data (and none specific for COVID-19), the following “cocktail” may have a role in the prevention/mitigation of COVID-19 disease.

■ Vitamin C 500 mg BID and Quercetin 250 mg daily

■ Zinc 75-100 mg/day

■ Melatonin (slow release): Begin with 0.3mg and increase as tolerated to 2 mg at night

■ Vitamin D3 1000-3000 u/day

■ Famotidine 20-40mg/day

Mildly Symptomatic patients (at home):

■ Vitamin C 500mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID

■ Zinc 75-100 mg/day

■ Melatonin 6-12 mg at night (the optimal dose is unknown)

■ Vitamin D3 2000 - 4000 u/day

■ ASA aspirin 81-325 mg/day (unless contraindicated)

■ Famotidine 40mg BID (reduce dose with renal impairement)

In symptomatic patients, monitoring with home pulse oximetry is recommended.

Ambulatory desaturation below 94% should prompt hospital admission

Mildly Symptomatic patients (on floor):

■ Vitamin C 500 mg PO q 6 hourly and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID (if available)

■ Zinc 75-100 mg/day

■ Melatonin 6-12 mg at night (the optimal dose is unknown)

■ Vitamin D3 20 000 – 60 000u single oral dose. Calcifediol 200 -500 ug is an alternative. This should be followed by 20 000u D3 (or 200ug calcifediol) weekly until discharged from hospital.

■ Enoxaparin 60 mg daily

■ Famotidine 40mg BID (reduce dose with renal impairement)

■ Methylprednisolone 40 mg q 12 hourly; increase to 80 mg q 12 if poor response

■ T/f EARLY to the ICU (Tratament failure early to the Intensive care unit) for increasing respiratory signs/symptoms and arterial desaturations.

General schema for respiratory support in patients with COVID-19


Low-Flow Nasal Cannula

■ Typically set at 1-6 Liters/Min

High Flow Nasal Cannula

■ Accept permissive hypoxemia (O2 Saturation > 86%)

■ Titrate FiO2 based on patient’s saturation

■ Accept flow rates of 60 to 80 L/min

■ Trial of inhaled Flolan (epoprostenol)

■ Attempt proning (cooperative proning)

Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

■ Target tidal volumes of ~6 cc/kg

■ Lowest driving pressure and PEEP

■ Sedation to avoid self-extubation

■ Trial of inhaled Flolan

Prone Positioning

■ Exact indication for prone ventilation is unclear

■ Consider in patients with PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 150


■ High dose corticosteroids; 120 -250 mg methylprednisolone q 6-8 hourly

■ Plasma exchange

■ “Half-dose” rTPA

Respiratory symptoms (SOB; hypoxia- requiring N/C ≥ 4 L min: admit to ICU):

Essential Treatment (dampening the STORM)

1. Methylprednisolone 80 mg loading dose then 40 mg q 12 hourly for at least 7 days and until transferred out of ICU. In patients with poor response, increase to 80 mg q 12 hourly.

2. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 3g IV q 6 hourly for at least 7 days and/or until transferred out of ICU. Note caution with POC glucose testing. 

3. Full anticoagulation: Unless contraindicated we suggest FULL anticoagulation (on admission to the ICU) with enoxaparin, i.e 1 mg kg s/c q 12 hourly (dose adjust with Cr Cl < 30mls/min). Heparin is suggested with CrCl < 15 ml/min. 

 Note: Early termination of ascorbic acid and corticosteroids will likely result in a rebound effect. Additional Treatment Components (the Full Monty) 

4. Melatonin 6-12 mg at night (the optimal dose is unknown).

 5. Famotidine 40 mg- 80 mg BID (20 -40 mg/day in renal impairment) 

6. Vitamin D3 20 000 – 60 000u single oral dose. Calcifediol 200 -500 ug is an alternative.This should be followed by 20 000u D3 (or 200ug calcifediol) weekly until discharged from hospital. 

7. Thiamine 200mg IV q 12 hourly 

8. Atorvastatin 80mg/day 

9. Magnesium: 2 g stat IV. Keep Mg between 2.0 and 2.4 mmol/l. Prevent hypomagnesemia (which increases the cytokine storm and prolongs Qtc). 

10. Optional: Remdesivir, 200 mg IV loading dose D1, followed by 100mg day IV for 9 days 

11. Broad-spectrum antibiotics if superadded bacterial pneumonia is suspected based on procalcitonin levels and resp. culture (no bronchoscopy). 

12. Maintain EUVOLEMIA 

13. Early norepinephrine for hypotension. 

14. Escalation of respiratory support; See General Schema for Respiratory Support in Patients with COVID-19.

Salvage Treatments 

■ Plasma exchange. Should be considered in patients with progressive oxygenation failure despite corticosteroid therapy. Patients may require up to 5 exchanges. 

■ High dose corticosteroids; Bolus 250- 500mg/ day methylprednisolone 


■ On admission: PCT, CRP, IL-6, BNP, Troponins, Ferritin, NeutrophilLymphocyte ratio, D-dimer and Mg. 

■ Daily: CRP, Ferritin, D-Dimer and PCT. CRP and Ferritin track disease severity closely (although ferritin tends to lag behind CRP). 

■ In patients receiving IV vitamin C, the Accu-Chek™ POC glucose monitor will result in spuriously high blood glucose values. Therefore, a laboratory glucose is recommended to confirm the blood glucose levels 

Post ICU management 

■ Enoxaparin 40-60 mg s/c daily 

■ Methylprednisone 40 mg day, then wean slowly 

■ Vitamin C 500 mg PO BID 

■ Melatonin 3-6 mg at night 

Post hospital discharge 

1. Consider extended DVT prophylaxis in high risk patients. 

2. Consider taping course of corticosteroids (guided by CRP) 

3. Omega-3 fatty acids 

4. Atorvastatin 40mg daily 

5. Melatonin 

6. Multivitamins including B complex and Vitamin D