Herpes Viruses - Medium Medical


Herpes Viruses

You may have heard of the herpes virus, but did you know there are many viruses that fall within the herpes family, all of which have multiple undiscovered strains? Although medical research and medical science have uncovered a few of the varieties, like herpes simplex 1 and 2, there are hundreds of other virus strains that are either completely unknown or misunderstood, like in the case of the Shingles and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and new viruses and strains are continuing to develop. This article will not only discuss herpes family symptoms, but also dig into the facts surrounding both discovered and undiscovered herpes family viruses, and highlight steps you can take to fight back against these intruders.

Herpes Family Symptoms
There are hundreds of symptoms connected with various herpes family viruses. Below I address a few of the most prevalent symptoms.

Fatigue is often a symptom that stems from a herpes family virus. In some cases, fatigue can exclusively arise from adrenal fatigue, but in most cases people simultaneously experience herpes related neurological and adrenal fatigue.

If you have a herpes virus in your system as well as toxic heavy metals, you may experience migraines, depression, anxiety, brain fog and/or concentration issues. Thyroid nodules and cysts, glaucoma, bulging eyes, PCOS, unpleasant perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause symptoms, breast cancer, mystery infertility, high cholesterol, and/or hepatitis C may arise if you’re dealing with the herpes virus Epstein-Barr. I cover this and more extensively in my new book Thyroid Healing.

Certain eye issues, such as eye floaters, are caused by viruses in the herpes family. If you have a torn retina, then your eye floaters many not be a virus-related issue, but it is important to note that certain herpes viruses tend to weaken the retina over a period of time. Eye issues such as a stye can also stem from streptococcus, which is a cofactor of the herpes family.

The shingles virus, which falls within this family, has numerous strains that wreak havoc. Bell’s Palsy is just one of the many conditions that can emerge from a strain of the shingles. If you suffer from edema, or swelling in certain areas of the body including the hands and feet, you may have a herpes virus in your liver. You don’t need to have a rash to have shingles as there are many undiscovered non-rashing varieties that I brought to light in my first book Medical Medium.

Medical research and science has not not discovered that other herpes family symptoms can include tightness in the chest, restless legs syndrome, aches and pains, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain, headaches, restlessness, muscle weakness, twitches, spasms, tingles, numbness, heart palpitations, goiters, thyroiditis, vertigo, tinnitus, body temperature issues, Raynaud’s syndrome, MS, and sarcoidosis.

Many Undiscovered Herpes Family Viruses

All herpes family viruses are different shapes and sizes. Some viruses appear to have thorn-like edges, while others take a more wavy shape. They can appear as ovals or have leg-like protrusions. Although many of these viruses look completely different, each virus validates its connection to the herpes family. In this section you will learn more about some of the many varieties.

Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 & HSV-2)

These two widely known herpes viruses tend to grab people’s attention because of their external appearance on the mouth and private parts. The discovery of these viruses was largely due to the visible symptoms that accompany the virus. When these viruses emerge from dormancy and an outbreak occurs, tingles, numbness, and pain in the areas that have broken out, as well as moderate fatigue, may result.

Medical science and medical research have yet to discover that there are currently close to 10 varieties of HSV-1 and around 15 varieties of HSV-2. Fortunately, HSV-1 and HSV-2 only create mild harm in comparison to the pain and aggravation provoked by other herpes family viruses.

Mouth Varieties

There are around three dozen different mouth-related herpes varieties other than HSV-1 and HSV-2. Canker sores do not stem from HSV-1 or HSV-2, but are created by entirely separate herpes varieties. Canker sores can appear on the mouth, but may pop up on the tongue or gums as well. Red sores, which are a type of canker sore, can also appear around the mouth. Unfortunately, medical research and medical science have yet to reveal the herpes varieties that produce canker sores, and these strains remain unidentified.


Although medical communities discuss cytomegalovirus as if there is only one variety, there are actually 20 varieties causing various health issues. This frustrating virus can trigger mild to moderate fatigue and organ-related issues. Although it doesn’t give rise to symptoms such as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, which I have associated with Epstein-Barr, it is able to release neurotoxins that can cause problems in places like the kidneys, heart, and liver.


This virus, which creates an abundance of symptoms including many of the issues mentioned above, was a miraculous, accidental discovery made in 1964. I have revealed that there are currently over 60 varieties wreaking havoc on people’s health. While some varieties are fairly docile, others can be severe and tremendously aggravating. Even children are starting to endure the effects of some of the more acute strains. It’s so critical to understand this virus and exactly how it works that I dedicated a chapter to it in my first book Medical Medium and cover it more thoroughly than I ever have before in my new book Thyroid Healing. It’s essential reading to allow you to better understand today’s mystery and chronic illnesses.

One surprising condition that can arise from some strains of the Epstein-Barr virus is breast cancer. Currently, women are getting tested for BRAC1 or BRAC2 gene mutation as an indicator of whether they will get breast cancer. This isn’t a helpful or accurate indicator as breast cancer is not a genetic issue. In fact, in over 50% of breast cancer cases, the person does not have the BRAC1 or BRAC2 gene. In most cases, as I describe in my book Thyroid Healing, it’s caused by EBV.

It is tragic that medical communities haven’t yet discovered these truths about Epstein-Barr virus when this knowledge could transform the lives of those suffering. That’s why I am bringing this information to light and am so determined to get it into your hands.


HHV-6, discovered in 1986, can be an incredibly frustrating virus to deal with. Medical communities are still not aware of all the symptoms and conditions associated with HHV-6 and are blind to the fact that this virus now has over 20 strains and is continuing to grow.

HHV-6 tends to ruthlessly go after organs. It can cause major injuries and lead to death in certain cases. If you or a loved one suffers from mystery heart problems or mystery kidney disease, HHV-6 is a likely culprit. Yes, heart-related issues can arise if poor dietary choices have led to clogged arteries, but there are other problems, such as heart disease, that can surface if HHV-6 moves into this organ. If your doctor detects chronic inflammation inside the heart’s ventricles or valves, it may be a sign of HHV-6 in your system.

If you’ve been forced to go on dialysis due to kidney failure, you may have been incorrectly told that that you’re suffering from an autoimmune issue and that your body is attacking itself. This is incorrect. Your body never attacks itself! A more likely scenario is that HHV-6 is attacking the kidney and causing your kidney failure.


HHV-7 started out as a strain of HHV-6, but overtime transformed and grew into an entirely separate virus. Although this virus isn’t stirring up too many issues at the present time, it will likely cause a great deal of conditions and illnesses in the next twenty or thirty years. The reason HHV-7 has yet to start creating trouble is because it is currently in a period of rooting.

The Rooting Process
In the past, every virus that is now wreaking havoc had a moment in time where it rooted itself in its new environment. This rooting period can last for roughly 10 to 15 years. During this initial phase, the virus is ignorant to where it is and what is going on. As time passes the virus will grow stronger and angrier, provoked by poor food choices, prescription drug use, and other antagonizing behaviors. Eventually, the virus will erupt and begin to stir up chaos for the unsuspecting masses.

Each virus and its various strains have undergone this rooting process. Epstein-Barr, which is now creating chaos for so many individuals unknown to science and research it started rooting in the late 1800s. It will still be a couple decades before HHV-7 explodes on the scene, but when it does, it will be far more problematic than the Epstein-Barr virus.

Fortunately, if you begin to implement healing practices in your life today, you do not have to fret about the effects HHV-7 might have in the future. Build up your body with the right supplements and healing foods, work to eradicate harmful foods and toxins from your life, and know that if you do come up against HHV-7, you will be thoroughly prepared for battle.

HSV-8 & the Cancer Connection

This virus creates a sarcoma, but doesn’t cause any other notable issues. The reason HSV-8 may surprise you is because it points to the fact that certain cancers are related to the herpes family. If particular herpes viruses begin to feed off of heavy metals, chemical fallout, harmful foods, and/or pharmaceutical drugs, cancers may develop.


Like HHV-7, HHV-9 is beginning the rooting process as well. HSV-9 is an odd virus, but will most likely not be too troublesome. Numerous offshoots will spawn from this virus. We can expect to see more signs of the virus roughly 30 to 40 years from now.


People are walking around with HHV-10 in their systems, but it is not causing too many issues at present. As this virus nestles in the liver, it may produce a minimal amount of spirochete byproduct. You may have been led to believe spirochetes are bacteria, but this is incorrect. The misunderstanding of these viral casings just further highlight how far behind medical science and medical research are when it comes to chronic and mystery illness.


At one time the undiscovered HHV-11 was an Epstein-Barr strain, but it eventually broke off and became its own virus. It’s not presently rooting and is generally inactive. HHV-11 may draw attention to itself in the far distant future, but for now it is not one to be concerned with.


This offshoot of the shingles virus is starting to cause some moderate trouble on its own and will likely become a more visible nuisance two decades from now. It is already triggering rashes in some individuals and will continue to create more and more rashing symptoms in a larger population as a new shingles virus as times goes on.


Shingles, which falls within the herpes family, contains over thirty varieties, many of which are detailed in the “Shingles” chapter of my first book, Medical Medium, and the “Shingles Virus Revealed” radio show. The shingles fall within two categories— rashing and non-rashing. Various symptoms and conditions arise from the varieties within these categories including Bell’s palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ, burning mouth, burning tongue, vaginal burning, bursitis, blurry eyes, neck pain, frozen shoulder, and neuropathy.

Lyme Disease

Many people diagnosed with Lyme disease are suffering from 3, 4, 5 or more herpes viruses. These viruses can incorrectly trigger off certain labs and tests and leave people with inaccurate data and misinformed answers. The truth is, Lyme disease at its core is never bacterial or parasitical, it is always a viral issue. These viruses create the neurotoxins that trigger neurological issues that are associated with Lyme. If this information is unsettling or new to you, check out the “Lyme Disease” chapter in Medical Medium or check out “The Unknown Cause of Lyme Disease” radio show and try to keep an open mind so you have all healing opportunities in front of you.

Healing Herbs & Supplements

You may be wondering how to arm yourself against all of these herpes viruses. One simple way to start is by bringing zinc into your daily health protocol. A rampant, global zinc deficiency is one of the reasons the herpes family exploded onto the scene and became the issue it is today. Zinc acts as a powerful weapon against the herpes family, so replenishing your zinc reserves with a high-quality zinc sulfate supplement can be an incredibly protective measure. A blood test does not account for the possibility of a zinc deficiency in places such as your ganglia, nervous system, and liver, so do not rely on a blood test to determine whether you have sufficient zinc reserves. Bring zinc into your life and work with a practitioner to figure out a dosage that is right for you.

L Lysine is another weapon that can help fight the herpes family. When it comes to battling a herpes virus, taking only 500 mg of lysine a day might not be sufficient. If you’re fighting off Epstein-Barr or another aggravating herpes variety, a fairly generous amount of lysine may be necessary. That being said, It is important to discuss the exact dosage you plan on taking with a practitioner so that you can best support your specific health issues. If you aren’t struggling with a herpes virus, but want to help shield yourself from picking up one of the hundreds of possible strains, taking a smaller dose of lysine can be a protective step.

Other herbs and supplements to consider incorporating include B-12 with methylcobaalamin and adenosylcobalamin5-MTHFlemon balm, and seleniumLicorice root can act like a glue to help prevent herpes viruses, such as Epstein-Barr, from feeding, reproducing, or moving locations.

Eyebright and echinacea can be great herbs for fighting a herpes virus. Periodically using goldenseal can be another great measure to put in place. Regularly brewing yourself a glass of thyme tea can be a supportive practice, and taking oregano oil or seasoning your meals with the fresh oregano herb on a daily basis can provide healing benefits as well.

Healing Foods

Bringing antiviral foods into your diet is an important part of healing from any herpes virus. All fruits and vegetables are antiviral. For that reason, try filling your diet with as many fresh fruits and veggies as you can! Many herbs and spices can provide antiviral support as well. As you enjoy these foods, you can be at peace knowing that none of the herpes viruses are being fed or strengthened by these life-giving foods. Try incorporating ginger, turmeric, spirulina, garlic, and onion into your meals. These foods can be incredibly supportive when regularly included in your diet. I discuss some of the best foods for herpes viruses in my book Life-Changing Foods.

Removing certain foods that can feed and strengthen herpes viruses is also essential. Consider eliminating eggs, dairy products, canola oil, and corn products from your diet to support healing.

When dealing with food in a restaurant setting, stick to eating healing cooked foods that are served nice and hot! In restaurants that serve animal products, cross contamination can often occur between raw animal products and other raw ingredients, such as salad greens or fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. If you want to avoid picking up a new bug, it is best to stick to clean, thoroughly cooked dishes when dining out.

Implementing just a few of these ideas can help ignite healing in your body. If you feel overwhelmed by all of the suggestions, just start by incorporating a few that speak to you.

A Story of Fighting Fatigue

When I was younger I worked as a caddy at a golf course. One day, I was assisting a husband and wife when all of a sudden Spirit told me that the wife was suffering from fatigue. I asked the wife about this and she was shocked! She was surprised a 12-year-old could know such a thing, and admitted that she had been suffering from mystery fatigue for a decade. She had seen numerous doctors, but was never given answers to help her heal. She had even been told she was crazy and was sent to a psychiatrist.

I revealed to her that her fatigue stemmed from Epstein-Barr, a virus in the herpes family. In response, she talked about having mono for a period of time as a child. We discussed the necessary steps she needed to take to heal and she began to implement the protocol. Within a year, the woman recovered from the virus and could begin to move on with her life. Do you or a loved one suffer from EBV-related fatigue? Hopefully this story will inspire you as you begin down your own healing path.

Moving Forward

If you’re suffering from Epstein-Barr and HSV-1, or have two different cold sore varieties as well as cytomegalovirus, know that you are not alone! Many people are fighting multiple herpes viruses and experiencing a host of aggravating symptoms. Instead of feeling hopeless or afraid, try to take simple steps towards healing by bringing in certain supplements and foods that aid your unique situation.

When someone is confused about their symptoms and conditions, and panicked and fearful about what to do, herpetic viruses tend to thrive. These viruses feed off fear, confusion, and chaos. Now that you have accurate information and healing ideas to choose from, you can face these nasty viruses from a place of empowerment and watch as these viruses begin to weaken and lose control. In the case of fighting any disease, herpes family viruses included, the correct knowledge is power!